How To Answer Question "what Do You Use On Your Hair?"


Well-Known Member
How do you all answer this question? For many of you, I know you use a lot of products, in complicated regimens, and that wouldn't be a short answer. I don't use a ton, but they might differ depending on whatever.

I'm always confused on how to answer this question, in part because I think that's not what people are really asking. I think what they're really asking is "how do you get your hair like that?", or maybe "how did you grow your hair long", and they think the answer to those questions is the products you use. Especially because my hair doesn't look particularly moist or in excellent condition, in my opinion. It does look thick and long, though.

Maybe I should start referring people here? Funny how I never think to.
@nyeredzi I can relate to the feeling you get about what they're really asking.

However, when people ask me what I use on my hair, I just answer the question. I tell them; no combs- well every few months, occasional shampoo, conditioner, clay, a botanical gel, and I also use henna for colour. (I will now also add Shea butter to that list as I've been using it consistently for 4 months). If this answer does not suffice, then they will actually ask, 'how do you get it like that?' I am a hair enthusiast so depending on how involved they want to become or how willing and able I think they are, I will explain my technique or offer to help them out. There are many people who believe it's all in a 'wonder' product. They don't want to hear about patience and being consistent.
They want to know what you are using on your scalp to make your hair grow. Most people are so disappointed when I tell them what I use. Shampoo, conditioner, leave in and a serum. I don't oil my scalp or use special potions. My regimen is very simple. I've been accused of lying and trying to keep a secret.
My regimen is also very simple and a lot of my products I make myself. Most of the time I ask what kinds of problem they're having and go from there. I'll say I change my products every so often but I might be able to recommend something if you tell me what you're looking for.

I'll give a detailed answer if I think someone is sincerely interested.

I do think a lot of people want me to tell them about some magic oil, and when they find out there isn't one, they assume that my hair is just special in some way.
I was asked this very question the other day in the elevator and I fumbled all over myself. For one, I was thinking "I use an array of different products and methods none of which alone has contributed to my current hair's health, but collectively have improved my hair's health and growth" so, while the elevator door was opening I just blurted out "Mane Choice". Now, I have used Mane Choice products in the past and use their oil consistently, but Mane Choice products are not the reason why my hair is in the state that it's in. I felt kindof bad that I wasn't able to give her more information, and for the life of me, I don't know why I settled on telling her that I use Mane Choice products. However, Mane Choice does have solid products (IMO) so, I didn't lead her astray! But if I were to list the actual products that I use, it would have sounded a lot more complicated and cumbersome then my regimen truly is, and in my opinion I felt that she just wanted a quick answer.

So, OP I don't have an answer for you...I'm just as confused!
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When asked this question, I always counter with additional questions of my own in order to gauge exactly what they're asking me or want to know (e.g., how do you get your hair like that vs how did you get it to grow). I can't answer anything that's clouded in confusion.
It never occurred to me that I could answer in broad categories like "shampoo" and "conditioner", lol. Maybe I'll just say that: shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in. That is really the most I do. I don't even usually moisturize between washes. The last shampoo I used was Head and Shoulders. I mean, I feel like I got nothing good to give them :lol: I usually just say "nothing special". Sometimes I say "I'm just sure to comb gently", which is honestly the only reason I have hair.
It never occurred to me that I could answer in broad categories like "shampoo" and "conditioner", lol. Maybe I'll just say that: shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in. That is really the most I do. I don't even usually moisturize between washes. The last shampoo I used was Head and Shoulders. I mean, I feel like I got nothing good to give them :lol: I usually just say "nothing special". Sometimes I say "I'm just sure to comb gently", which is honestly the only reason I have hair.

I hear you.:lol: I would counter with "Do you mean how I manage and maintain my curls?" If the person said yes, then I will explain that I only comb it when it's saturated with conditioner and never when it's dry because it destroys the curls. That response seems to satisfy the curly inquirers, especially since a lot of people are conditioned to believe that proper grooming involves combing. For the "how you get it to grow" people, a simple "I wash and condition it every week, air dry it and keep it pinned up off my shoulders to keep it from breaking" does the trick. Keep it simple after you've figured out what it is that they want to know.
I’m glad I read into this thread more.

I too try to explain it’s not really the products I use, but more so just technique, and what I do concerning manual manipulation. (Or what I don’t do, in that sense).

I’ve come across ladies of all ethnicities who ask me if I do anything, eat anything, or put anything on my hair to make it grow it faster, and I usually tell then that product wise, and diet wise, I probably don’t do anything different than what they do. (Eat more veggies, get in enough protein, drink more water, etc.) When I first started my journey I used products that were familiar to all women across the globe in some form or fashion.

For ladies of our ethnicity, since we all can relate to a similar degree I just stress the importance of low manipulation, gentle detangling, protecting your ends, patience, and being as gentle as possible in all aspects from detangling to styling. Whether natural or relaxed or in between.

For women of other ethnicities who ask out of curiosity or have children with Afro textured hair, or cotton like hair, I try to give them a good basis of understanding. I used to try and karate chop anyone’s hand who tried to touch my hair, but now I don’t mind if it’s general curiosity, and not them being buttholes. (I would say the other word, but I’m trying to keep it rated G). I have a friend of Irish/Celtic descent who has pin straight hair, and she’s such a sweetheart, and one day I wore a super tight Bantu knot out and bless her heart, she couldn’t figure out where the rest of my hair went. So we’ve been talking about hair differences and texture differences, and I let her see how the texture of hair can differ and how to care for certain needs. She’s asked me what I’ve done to get passed the BSL sticking point, and I’ve explained to her it’s not so much the products I use because she was two breaths away from writing down all of the products I use and trying them, not knowing if they work for her or not. I told her, generally, across the board handling your hair gently and just protecting it in general (keeping it tucked away or twisted up or up in a bun), is half of the battle won already. Finding a good moisture/protein balance, and backing up off of high tension or high heat styling.

A satin bonnet or pillow case does wonders, and for me personally, and being gentle concerning tangles and not ripping a brush or comb straight through the hair. Deep conditioning when needed, and above all working with your hair, and not against it.

I think it’s also a lot to do with impatience. I’ve gone through it, and there’s plenty of other men and women who are looking for things that stimulate the scalp to an insane degree just to see growth. I think if people could learn to be patient and distract themselves with other things they enjoy, by the end of a six month period they can easily be looking at 3 inches or more of growth. I think it’s up the individual how much they are willing to be patient and observe and tweak and improve things for their unique hair care needs.
I answer with some form of "I use a shampoo that doesn't leave my hair gross, a moisturizer and some vaseline and then I just twist it and take it out the next day to get curls." If they're black I'd shorten that last bit by saying I do a twistout, but I live in a mostly white area so that's why I have to explain that step usually. I don't even mention the words twist out to them because I know they'll be like :huh:

Now to my haters? I'd say I shampoo every day and curly perm it weekly for my curls. Simple. LOL, just kidding!
Oooooh I love this thread confession: sometimes when I'm driving home from work, I pretend I'm answering this question. Don't judge me lol.

It's soooooo hard not to overwhelm people with information so I try to simplify the info as much as possible. I say only comb hair when it's saturated with conditioner, moisturize with s curl and keep ends tucked away. I know that's not all encompassing but i think it's a good starting regimen for anyone who is serious
I assume that the person asking just wants to know how I styled my hair or what styling products I used. If they want to know something more specific, the will usually follow up with additional questions.

The only weird experience I’ve had was at Sally BS one time. I had been asked this same question and I answered in my usual way “eco styler gel” and the woman acted offended. “Really? That’s all you use?” With lots of attitude and entitlement LOL . I was newly natural and reasoned that “shampoo and conditioner “ was probably pretty obvious/standard, so she probably wasn’t wanting to know that, but I didn’t even consider that she might’ve wanted to know brand names and stuff.

But, really, I hate being asked hair questions in public, it makes me so uncomfortable. So don’t expect a regimen breakdown from me while I’m trying to grocery shop or pick out a new pair of shoes :lol: Nobody wants to feel accosted!
It never occurred to me that I could answer in broad categories like "shampoo" and "conditioner", lol. Maybe I'll just say that: shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in.
That's typically where I start. I tell them I do the LOC method, and then tell them actual products if they ask, not because I don't want to immediately tell them. Mostly because I still have some PJ tendencies, and I'm just stalling and trying to remember which products I last used. :lachen:
My follow-up question is usually “what would you like to know?” And “what do you want to accomplish with your hair?” The answers tell me how to respond.

I’m sorry y’all. I’m jaded :laugh: I’m tired of being assaulted by repeat offenders believing I’m mixing potions and praying to false gods for my hair. If you can’t believe this is my hair without chemicals or help outside of taking care of my hair, that I really can’t grow my own hair, I can’t help you.