How long do you wait.....


New Member
after your perm to co wash or wash your hair? I am pondering this b/c I want to co wash my hair so I can set my hair. The phyto instructions say to wait at least three days! Today makes day four!!! I know I will get a response from MonaLisa and possibly Kaddy (if she is not to busy moderating on the other site).

I normally wait about 3-5 days and wash again with a normalizing shampoo in case my stylist did not rinse all the perm out.
I haven't done it yet I might just wait until wednesday. The full week. I did wrap it and put setting lotion on it last night and let it air dry though. It turned out ok. I get to get the hang of not using heat. I can't get my usual roller set b/c my hairdresser whacked my hair so my roller sets don't come out cute. Any ideas?