How do you know you need protien?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I'm just curious. Aside from using ORS Hair Mayonaise on occasion, I don't really do any protein treatments. Am I supposed to do that?:look: I mean how do you know if you need it? I was thinking after seeing so many of you adding protien that maybe I should, but I don't want to do anything that will mess up my little thing I have going here.:nono: Your thoughts?
Well, you'll know if you need it--so don't mess up a good thing! For me, when my hair feels mushy when wet or I notice any breakage (and not shedding) then I know it's time for protein. Also, I've been co-washing a lot lately, and I always have to add the protein back into my hair.
I was also told that if your hair is not holding a style as usual then it may be protein treatment time. (Like if you are using a flat iron and the hair wont bend to your liking.) I just set up a protein schedule for myself. I do a treatment every 4 to 6 weeks
Well, you'll know if you need it--so don't mess up a good thing! For me, when my hair feels mushy when wet or I notice any breakage (and not shedding) then I know it's time for protein. Also, I've been co-washing a lot lately, and I always have to add the protein back into my hair.

ITA with this statement especially the boldface type. When my hair feels mushy and overconditioned/overmoistrized i know i need protein. Sistaslick has a thread about it BREAKAGE 101. It has scenarios also.:yep: HTH.
Another way to know that you need moisture is if moisturizing stops working. If you are using conditioners that usually work well for you in terms of moisture and they stop getting effective even after you clarify, you need some protein. Hair can not hold on to moisture without protein.
I agree besides Pre-pooing with Le Kair Cholesterol or ORS Hair Mayo I don't have a strict protein regimine and my hair feels great! When I do a protein treatment I use ION Reconstructor.