Hi Everyone!!


Well-Known Member
I would like to introduce myself. I've lurked on LHCF for 5+ years and I decided today to join! (I'm coughing up for the 514 so why not join??!?) :lurking:

I put in my request for a Pibbs and I had to let everyone else know how excited I am!
A little about me:
I had WL hair for up to about 4 years ago when it was cut to APL by SHS and then it was cut to my nape Jan 07. I'm currently growing back to *hopefully* WL. I'm APL now (I think). I haven't used heat in over a year. I have a KISS regimen that I have been working on perfecting still after all these years.



Well-Known Member
Wow...you've been here way longer than I have. Welcome out of lurkdom!:grin:

Five years of lurking . . . I'm sure you learned a lot. Welcome to the club. :welcome:

Yes, 5 years is a long time, but it was on and off. I would lay off and get busy with life but I'd always come back "home" when something bad would happen i.e. SHS, and other mishaps.
I learned a lot of things, but its like my hair changes its mind and stops reacting to products and regimens (even after clarifying and changing clarifying poos) after a while and I'm constantly reading about what works for others. I'm glad I finally joined. It was definitely worth it!! I'm determined this time to follow through and stick with it to reach my goals.


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Dang, 5 years? You were a super lurker! :rofl:

Welcome! It really is great to be able to ask a question when you have one!


Well-Known Member
Awww, I feel so official and welcome!! I feel like I know so many of you all and I look forward to bringing ideas!

Thanks you guys!!:circle:

You ladies have some of the most BEAUTIFUL heads thine eyes have seen!
I am praying that I too will become an official LHCF graduate one day!


Well-Known Member

I feel so welcome! What everyone says is true, this is a really supportive group!:bighug: