Henna Touch-ups?


On Cloud 9
[SIZE=+1]For those using henna.....how often do you henna and how do you apply it?

Do you do root only touch-ups or whole head?

Thanks for any information given.
I've been doing henna treatments once a month and I do my whole head because I heard that the benefits are as a result of the accumulation of henna in the hair shaft..... If that makes any sense:look:
Good post. I had the same questions.

Does it start to fade after a while? Does it ever fade completely?
I henna my whole head 1-2x per week! I have medium-fine hair and it thrives on protein! My har is color-treated jet black, so the color is an overcast for me & I henna so often the color CAN'T fade! I will be decreasing henna treatments to 1 a week or every 2wks, as I been doing them weekly to biweekly for about 1 1/2 months now and my hair is "fully saturated". :)
Andreainnis said:
I've been doing henna treatments once a month and I do my whole head because I heard that the benefits are as a result of the accumulation of henna in the hair shaft..... If that makes any sense:look:

[SIZE=+1]Thanks Andreainnis.

This is exactly how I planned on doing touch-ups. I didn't know about the benefits.....I just didn't want the color to fade. Plus just slapping on my whole head is a lot easier.
HERicane10 said:
I henna my whole head 1-2x per week! I have medium-fine hair and it thrives on protein! My har is color-treated jet black, so the color is an overcast for me & I henna so often the color CAN'T fade! I will be decreasing henna treatments to 1 a week or every 2wks, as I been doing them weekly to biweekly for about 1 1/2 months now and my hair is "fully saturated". :)

[SIZE=+1]Wow.....you have patience. I don't think I could do mine that often. I leave my henna on for 4-6 hours. I really don't like doing my hair, so to wash twice a week. That's too much for me. I'm not a very sit still patient person. :lol: Wish I was....then maybe I would do more with my hair.

Anyway....glad to hear you found what works. I'm going to try doing mine every month and see how that goes.

Thanks for sharing.
baglady215 said:
Good post. I had the same questions.

Does it start to fade after a while? Does it ever fade completely?
[SIZE=+1] That's what I wanted to know too. I have had my henna on my hair now for 5 days. This is my first henna. I love the color. But I don't plan on doing another one till next month. I wanna see will it fade by then.........I hope not.[/SIZE]:)
I do my whole head every 10 days. I've been hennaing my whole head regularly for months now and I love it!
A co-worker, w/ light brown hair, does her roots every 2 months. Her hair is light enough that repeated henna treatments would make her look like carrot top. My natural hair color is so dark I do root to tip every 7 days (that I'm not in twists or braids).
Puddles said:
[SIZE=+1]Wow.....you have patience. I don't think I could do mine that often. I leave my henna on for 4-6 hours. I really don't like doing my hair, so to wash twice a week. That's too much for me. I'm not a very sit still patient person. :lol: Wish I was....then maybe I would do more with my hair.

Anyway....glad to hear you found what works. I'm going to try doing mine every month and see how that goes.

Thanks for sharing.

:lol: Well, I don't know about patience! I'm just on a MISSION!:grin: Plus I only keep it on 45 min. to 1 hour. I don't do it for color. My hair is color-treated jet-jet black.:look: I hope it works well for you. I'm loving my henna experience and have even transferred that henna love to my 12 yr old daughter, who now has a beautiful rich burgundy color after 3-5 applications to her "virgin" (no color) hair!
I did my 2nd application from root to tip after 3 weeks even though the color did not fade from the first application. I don't have the patience to do it more frequently.
HERicane10 said:
:lol: Well, I don't know about patience! I'm just on a MISSION!:grin: Plus I only keep it on 45 min. to 1 hour. I don't do it for color. My hair is color-treated jet-jet black.:look: I hope it works well for you. I'm loving my henna experience and have even transferred that henna love to my 12 yr old daughter, who now has a beautiful rich burgundy color after 3-5 applications to her "virgin" (no color) hair!

[SIZE=+1]Oh....OK. Since you're just leaving it on for only 45min. I understand. And you're right......I leave mine on that long for color. My hair is a deep auburn.

I was thinking of putting Cassia on my daughter's hair. She's 12 as well.