Hair Vent Thread........

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Oh my, it's 5 o'clock in the morning lol. I need to go to bed.

Last hair rant before bedtime (I promise). I don't like it when people don't believe that black hair can grow if it's been cared for. I hate the assumption that you have to be mixed to have long hair. It's not true so STFU! More people need to be educated when it comes to black hair.

Anyway, goodnight ladies.

*walks out of thread*
Last hair rant before bedtime (I promise). I don't like it when people don't believe that black hair can grow if it's been cared for. I hate the assumption that you have to be mixed to have long hair. It's not true so STFU! More people need to be educated when it comes to black hair.

OMG I hate this too. I get really, really upset when people ask me if I am mixed because of my hair. Some people think its cute to be asked that, but I do not at all. It is an insult to my/our race. It bothers me more than anything because it shows the ignorance of some people and they think black women can't have long hair. I used to explain this to people--but then I just stopped. No sense in trying to convince someone otherwise.
I also hate it when some people assume that just because they have long hair they are automatically beautiful. Err.... no... your face is busted and your teeth are effed up!

I shouldn't, but . . . . :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:cause that is the truth. Like hair makes the person.

My only real vent would be the topic of why people choose to have natural hair that they never wear in its natural state. Not everyone grew up on relaxers nor does everyone want/prefer curly hair. Relaxers aren't the only "healthy" way to go about getting consistently straight hair.

I was puzzled by this one myself, but having been in that spot I understand. When I was natural, I did not realize that the constant heat of blow-outs was NOT good for my hair. I just figured that it was healthier than a relaxer. Now, since LHCF, I have learned so much about hair that I realize natural/relaxed is not the issue - hair health is. IMO, if you are going to wear your hair straight 100% of the time and use heat to achieve it, maybe you should consider something to relax the curl. Natural hair that is cared for properly is so much more attractive (as is relaxed hair that is cared for) than natural hair with heat damage.

No hair type is easier to manage

I totally agree.

My only other rant is that I HATE it when people who used to complain about doing my hair when I was younger (about how tangly it was, how I was too tenderheaded, and all the rest), now look at my hair and TAKE CREDIT FOR IT since I've been on my LHCF HHJ!! :lachen::lachen: Ain't that some fragglenaggle bullscooper? They haven't touched my hair in umpteen years, but they are responsible for its health.
i have a vent. I was at my friends bday party and she saw my hair (before my weave install) and said it had gotten so much longer from last time she saw me. I saw her maybe 2 years prior to moving to Austin for grad school, so it's been a while. She asked what I've been doing and I told her I've just been taking care of it and went natural. She complained about relaxer damage, and I told her to stretch or maybe go natural. She twisted her face at me and said,
"Eww, that's ugly. Why would I want my hair to look like pubic hair? Never!"

I talked to her and set her straight about how it was the best decision for me, but I still feel she thinks natural hair is hideous.

I've been feeling some kind of way ever since she said that but this is a vent thread and I'm happy I got this out here instead of going off.

ETA: I don't like when a thread says 'Pic Heavy' and there's like 3 pics in it. I think the minimum should be 5 pics for that addition to the title, and GOOD pictures too. Let's do away with these cell phone pics.
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My only major vent is this: don't ask me how I take care of my hair, have me go through the process of telling you, and then you respond with "Oh I can't do that" or "That's because you have good hair" (or something to that effect).

Here's my problem with that:
1) If you weren't willing to do anything, the heck you ask me for?
2) What I do to my hair isn't some big secret. I have even told ppl the exact sites I go to for hair advice, etc. I've never been to cosmetology school.
3) Just seems like an excuse to me and I cannot stand excuses!
I think it would be quite difficult to keep it real in threads when someone posts progress pics. It just doesn't always go over well. However, the site would be so much more beneficial if people were honest in those threads but I get why people don't do it. Who wants to be the person that speaks up?
It's also nice to make people feel good. Some people get ridiculed on their hair outside of this board and they come here for a safe haven.
When folks start threads to say how pretty their hair is after doing a certain style, but don't provide any pics. Now you know people are going to be asking you for the pictures lady! :lol:
I think if it bothers people others should respect it and just use kinky or coily. I mean it's just like calling someone petite a stick or a bone or calling someone mentally handicapped, retarded... We have more words to help us keep more peace and not offend others in my opinion. We should take advantage of the complimentary vocabulary we have at our disposal.
Now I need to go massage my "moisture craving" scalp and seal my "coily" ends :)
When people start a thread to ask for advice then don't bother to thank anyone who takes the time to respond.
I was looking on a site today that had shirts that said "Nappy-Headed Ho" I was like Fa real? FAAA REAL?!?

:nono::down: :wallbash:

That cannot be what's hot in the streets. It. Just. Can't.

I go back and forth on the word nappy. It depends on context and even then sometimes when it's used as a perjorative it can be accurate.

I think that people who ask "what is good hair" are F.O.S. They have an exact mental picture of what is meant by the term, they just wanna have a PC vs unPC arguement.

:rolleyes: @ somebody gaining I.Q. points for cutting off their relaxed ends. GTFOOHWTBS

I am perterbed by the notion that growing afro hair in any of it's incarnations is easy. Yes, if you take care of your hair, you will be able to retain length, but for most it takes a whole lotta trial and error to find what taking care of their hair means and it could change as your hair gets to different lengths.
The whole keeping it real thing on here, should only be implied when someone asks! Because we all know how some women can get:arguing:, if you say something wrong(something they do not like) they will cut you straight up:brucelee: Im mean look at all these threads that were locked, why were they locked? Because someone didnt like what the other said..and most of the times they were "Keeping it real"!

Now watch this thread get locked up too, because someone said something another person didnt like OR someone thought that person was talking about them:catfight:
I'm baaaaaaack lol.

Ok, another hair rant before I get ready for work.
I don't like it when people have to make negative comments about your healthy hair journey.
E.g. "Your HHJ is just a fad." "Black people don't do this and that to their hair" etc
My only other rant is that I HATE it when people who used to complain about doing my hair when I was younger (about how tangly it was, how I was too tenderheaded, and all the rest), now look at my hair and TAKE CREDIT FOR IT since I've been on my LHCF HHJ!! :lachen::lachen: Ain't that some fragglenaggle bullscooper? They haven't touched my hair in umpteen years, but they are responsible for its health.

LMAO @ the bolded :lol: This happens to me too.
I hate it when ppl who REALLY need help post a question, and 100 ppl look at it but no one will answers the question. It seems as though the ppl who already have BANGIN BSL hair get their questions answered with a quickness. Hmmm..

I also hate it when people start arguments with other people virtually..we are all here to get hair tips/techniques/help right?
I have a rant about my own hair! I hate when my hair's acting up and I can't figure out what's going on. :wallbash:
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