Hair Journey - Almost 1 Year Post Big Chop - Pic Heavy


Well-Known Member
Hey yall. I big chopped last year in August. I transitioned 1 year. Here are pictures from then to now. After the chop everything has been pretty easy. I haven't had any real problems. I have heat and chemical damage in my bangs where a stylist bleached them twice on the same day and then I tried out weaves for like 3 weeks. Wasn't for me. So this is about 8 months of growth. I believe I am a 3c/4a.

My natural reggie is simply. I wash in the shower. Use Design Essentials Almond Express conditioner or if I need protein I used DE 6n1 protein conditioner. For my wash n go I use Mane choice leave in and orchid gel. I recently started using Mielle leave in. My wash n gos last me 1 week. I don't moisturize unless I spritz my hair with water to refresh my wash n go. I prepoo if I feel like it.





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