For Ladies with extensions...


New Member do you combat hair boredom? I've made the committment to wear my hair in extensions this year to grow it out to brastrap length, but I am extremely bored. What do you ladies do to combat boredom when your hair is in a secured style?
Yeah it depends on what kinda braids you have. I have individuals so I style mines as I would regular hair. Ponytails, flat twists, half up half down, in a bun, etc. Cornwors are kinda hard to style because htey are attached fla to your scalp bt you can do different things to the ends (curl them, twis them, beads, krinkle them, decorate them, wear then to the side, put them in a bun, etc)
i knw what you mean im bored with my hair and i have a sewin....but my styles when i do wear braids are very simple...up in a ponytail or pulled back in one pony tail...i think thats why i dont want any thing dealing with braids because im so bored of them and i wanted to do sewins for awhile. ...but right now im so so bored of all weaves ....
2 strand twists can be treted just like regular braids. Last time I had some twists I ornrowed them and pinned them backoff to the side of my head. t was cute.... Alteast I thought so :lol: