Did you like your natural texture as it got longer


Ms. Nobody
Did anyone not like their hair texture when it was short but better as it got longer? i feel like i cant do anything with my hair.:ohwell:
i didnt like it as much as i do now since i have a bit more length and styles look better and i don't feel like a little boy lol
Me. I couldn't stand my hair short and I never wore it out...at all.

Now, I love it and can do so many things with my hair.

It's going to take some time, but be patient...you will love your hair in the end.
I knew what my hair texture was before going natural so I wasn't really surprised. What bothered me the most (and still does) was the tangling. I cannot do a wash n' go because that would be hairicide! I love it more now because it's thick and because I can do a wider variety of styles with more length.
I actually liked it shorter than I do longer. When it was short, I wore wash-n-go's and liked playing with my curls. Now that it's longer wearing a W-N-G just means more work the next day. Maybe if I hit SL unstretched I'll like it again....we'll see.
I'm falling in love with mine...as it gets longer, the texture definitely changes, so I don't really have an idea of what my texture is supposed to be...
i long for my previous natural length, if it had never grown another inch i would have been content.

because its on the shorter side right now my hair still coils in places (mostly the back, the front and middle are more waves) its feels so short compared to when my back started to hang differently. so thats def my first goal. once i get there again anything else will be a bonus.
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I like the length, but not the texture so much. I have 2 very different textures on my head--been that way since birth--so it can be a bit unruly to deal with.
I'm loving my hair now that it's longer. I hated it most during that awkward stage where it was too short to do anything with and too long to look cute. I think it does get a lot better the longer your hair gets.
Mine is still very hard to handle and HUGE. I can't possibly do a wash 'n go. My only way to wear my hair down (curly) is a braid-out. I generally just keep it flat-ironed.
Yes I do! But not because it has gotten longer; but, because I have mastered how to care for my hair over the years. So with better hair care knowledge comes more length!:yep:
I like my hair, and have pretty much accepted that its just not gonna be too curly. ( my back is tho, so thats pretty annoying having 2 completely different texures) BUT its soooooo thick. I have no CLUE how im gonna deal when it gets longer! It takes me like 90 min to detangle and wash now, and I only have about 5 inches of hair!!!!!:nono: Is that normal!?? and I hate the fact that it takes FOREVER to show some length!, but...............besides all of that I think it'll take alot to get me to go back to a perm. :grin:
I love my fluff of stuff, and if it takes some time for me to wait for my BAA, then ill just have to wait. LOL
I am truly in love with my hair. The texture that is, not so much the thickness. I am working on the length.

I have gotten more comfortable with my hair as it grows longer; however, I am on a mission.