Deep condition before clarifying?


New Member
Does it make sense to condition/prepoo dry hair for a couple hours or overnight and then use a clarifying shampoo? Clarifier's strip the hair so would it defeat the purpose of prepooing?
From everything that I've read on here, it would defeat the purpose. :yep: Clarifying basically strips the hair of EVERYTHING. So whatever prepoo/DC you did would get washed away.
yeah it kinda does but you should condition your hair after you clarify to avoid breakage....for build up in my hair I use apple cider vinegar and water for my last rinse...This mix works well for me and after my hair does not feel stripped
Thanks Kels & Lele...I bought a clarifying poo but have been holding off for this reason, but I plan on using it soon :)
yeah it kinda does but you should condition your hair after you clarify to avoid breakage....for build up in my hair I use apple cider vinegar and water for my last rinse...This mix works well for me and after my hair does not feel stripped

So wait you use ACV after your deep conditioner or before it?
I use the acv after I wash and condition my hair because its not as harsh as clarifying shampoo. I leave it on for two mintues abd rinse it out. ACV leaves my hair shiney....But if you have dry hair you can follow with a conditoner for a few min