Cute Styles During Relax Stretch


New Member
I am now 11 weeks and 3 days into a 12 week stretch. The last 2 weeks have been the hardest because my hair is so puffy that I don't know what to do with it. I've been wearing a half wig for a week now. My braid-outs/twist-outs are not too cute at all :lol: and I've been trying to stay away from the flat-iron. So, I was wondering how do you ladies style your hair when stretching? I wanna see pics of cute styles (braid-outs, buns, braids, wash and goes, wigs, roller sets, blow outs...whatever) you did while you were stretching. Please add how many weeks post-relaxer you were when you did the style and how you achieved it. Thanks!!
Maybe some flat twists up into a bun? :) I think that would look nice, and just smooth your edges with some gel and tie them down.
Some of these are older so I have to guestimate (yeah I just threw that word in) as to how far into the stretch I was:

I was about 4 months into a 9 month stretch (this was my 1st stretch as well)

Roller Set w/ Flat Ironed roots still from 1st stretch 5 months post

Bantu Knot out around 16 weeks post (this stretch was 20 weeks)

Messy Bun maybe 12 weeks into a stretch done with Bantu Knots

Front view of same Messy Bun done with Bantu Knots

My FAVVVV Bun Southern Tease

My go to Bun

Braidout Bun

Bantu Knot out this is from a week or two ago somewhere between 13 and 14 weeks post I guess.
Sorry for hijacking your thread with all the pics.....

This is the video I used when I first started doing Bantu Knots:

While I only do them on dry hair, I never blow dry my hair for bantu knots. This is a style I normally go to after bunning for a couple of days or after I've fully air dried my hair after cowashing.

I was using, NTM Silk Touch Moisturizer and HE LTR on my ends, then sealing each section with coconut oil.

But I recently purchased Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade, so the last few times I've done this style I've used the Burnt Sugar and put a little HE LTR on my ends and I absolutely love the results.

Bantu Knots are also great for Southern Tease Buns when you don't want to slick your hair back.
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