Cantu's Shea Butter Hair and Scalp Oil

New Member
So this stuff works wonders.

It's Cantu No Drip Hair and Scalp Oil and if I didn't have it I do not know what I would do. So 90% of my hair is natural with the exception of my bangs. I have the Keyshia Cole / Rihanna hair cut for a visual and yesterday I washed my hair and proceeded to blow dry and flat iron without any products.

I know people may think, okay heat damage, she's crazy, but when my hair was SL I would do this method and my hair would be airy and breezy. Products tend to make my hair stiff and I like to have swing.

Okay that method DID NOT work with my short hair, I went out in Atlanta's humid weather last night and all my curl dropped. My hair looked ashy and I felt like an ugly little boy.

So when I got home I poured the Cantu in my hand, rubbed it up, and just drowned my hair in. I brushed my hair back and put on two scarves and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning my hair was not oily or greasy, but it was definitely NOT ashy anymore. As I curled my hair my hair started to shine and it stayed straight.

There may be a better product out there, but so far I love this Cantu product, and there are rarely products that I love.

Are there any oils that keep your hair shiny and strong??

Cantu No Drip Hair and Scalp Oil contains
Shea Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Jojoba Oil
Soybean Oil, Mineral Oil (I know some people don't like this)
Seed Oil, Leaf Oil
I use Coconut oil and I must say I love it and its smell. I had the oil but I ran through it now I have this jar of Coconut Conditioner, it looks like grease I haven't tried it yet. And I don't have Olive Oil, I should try it. Do you use the Olive Oil brand or Organic Olive Oil?