Aphogee 2 step growth boost.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever noticed hair growth after using Aphogee 2 step. I had mushy hair last month so I did a hard protein treatment with the Aphogee 2 step. My curls came back but then I trimmed about an inch off two weeks later because I noticed I had split ends. Well it will be 6 weeks post treatment and 4 weeks post trim on Thursday. My hair doesn't even look as though I cut it. I mean it seems as though almost all of it has grown back. Maybe it's just that I have mad retention going on but this only seems to happen when I use the two step. I only use it once every 8 weeks and I don't use any other proteins in between because my hair is protein sensitive.

Does anybody else have any results?


I noticed that my hair seemed stronger which ultimately led to better retention. I've only done it once but plan on doing it again after my relaxer.


Well-Known Member
I used the ApHogee Two Step Protein Treatment just last week and I even talked about it in my blog. I haven't noticed any hair growth yet, but it has helped to decrease my breakage. I hope that it does help with my retention because I'm trying to achieve bsl by the end of the year.


New Member
When I used it consistently (about every month and a half) I had good retention also. I just didn't like the smell, and scored some JOICO KPak reconstructer for the low and started using it instead.


Well-Known Member
I used the aphogee (the one that gets hard) a while back and noticed an immediate change in the health of my hair. But I too have gone back to joico k-pack (will use aphogee again though). I also noticed with the proper app. of protein/moisture and fresh trimmed ends i'm achieving an inch or more a month.