Ain't Nothing like the Old Songs


The Credit Countess
I have a mixed CD in my car and this morning as I turned on the radio the song " I Can't Complain" came on. Ladies let me tell you, if I could had jumped and shouted in my car I would had. The words alone can do something for you. No matther what happens God is so good to us we can't complain. Oh to see the goodness of God and how wonderful and awesome He is.

Well after " I Can't Complain came on " Victory is Mine" follows. Victory is Mine I told Satan get thee behind Victory is Mine. Praise the name of Jehovah for Victory is Mine. Satan can't do anything to me for the Lord has my back and I (we) will be victorours in everything we do today. I came to work knowing that everything that I touch and do will be blessed today for it is mine. The Lord will walk with me and because I will listen to his voice before acting I will walk in victory today.

Praise be the name of the Lord for what an awesome God we serve.

Be Blessed and be victorous ladies. This is your Day.

Wow, LadyR.

I can feel your spirit come across the post. I will be walking in my meetings, my work, my exercises knowing that God is an awesome God.

Have a blessed day!!!