A Spy in the Enemy's Camp


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Friday, October 03, 2008 • Print Article
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A Spy in the Enemy's Camp
Bishop Keith Butler
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:6-8 (KJV)
Faith is important when getting insight into the true nature of a test or trial you are facing. You must ask God in faith. You must believe that when you go to God you are going to get what you asked for.
You cannot be double-minded about it. A man who is double-minded is a man who is impatient. He starts out in faith and then Satan comes along and gives him contrary information. He keeps giving him contrary information, and before you know it, he doesn't know whether to fight or retreat. That man will receive nothing from the Lord.
Once you ask for insight, the way in which you conduct yourself from that moment is: "Thank You, Father, I believe I have it in Jesus' name. I see the enemy's whole plan of war against me. I see his ambush, and I give You praise for showing me how to ambush his ambushment." You can't see a thing in the natural, but you begin to worship and praise God for it. Praise is an expression of your faith in God. Begin to praise your Heavenly Father for the insight you need for your situation.
I've gotten the wisdom of God in many different ways. There have been times when I was driving my car and boom-the wisdom of God came. I've been asleep in bed or in my office and the answer came. God will reveal it to you in any way He desires to. Just don't try to tell God how to do it. He knows how to get you what you need. He's God!
God can do things in ways your mind has never conceived. You would never dream it could happen that way, but He does it anyway. I've seen God do things that just totally amazed me.
So begin to thank God for giving you wisdom. Say with your mouth that you have it. And then give God praise for your victory. You'll pull the wool over Satan's eyes and stomp him out. This is how God's church is victorious. We have a Spy in the enemy's camp. That Spy is the Holy Ghost. And He is telling us how to maintain Satan's defeat. And all the time we are saying what God says about us, that we are more than conquerors. We are world overcomers in His light.
Scripture References: Romans 8:37; 1 John 5:4

This is copyrighted material (© Bishop Keith A. Butler all rights reserved.)
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