A Poem - Awesome!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
This is from one of the Young Adults that we minister too and he wrote this on his blog. It is awesome and shows that what we have been sharing with them, is working!

Alpha and Omega

Sometimes we wonder.
Sometimes we question or complain,
Deny, reject, and betray.
Sometimes we commit,
Surrender and serve.
Sometimes we toil away and see no reward.
Sometimes we're rewarded too much,
Or for someone else's labor.
Sometimes we harm others,
Or harm ourselves.
Sometimes we give just to give,
And even more times to receive.
Sometimes we're forgiven,
And even less times forgive.
Sometimes we fall,
And crawl with no end in sight.
Sometimes we rebuke where needed,
But more often judge where not.
Sometimes we're grateful and give thanks where deserved,
Sometimes take what we could never deserve.
Sometimes we love from our hearts,
But most times only where it is returned,
And often where it pins us down.
Sometimes we pray, seek, and ask,
Sometimes we confess.

And every time, we are forgiven.
Every time we pray, we are heard.
Every time we seek, we find.
Every time we ask, we are answered.
For ever and always, we are loved.
We live by grace unmerited.
We are protected by the Righteous Judge.
We are carried by the Lord of Peace,
And if we work towards Heaven,
We shall not fail to be rewarded.
He who was denied, rejected, and betrayed,
Who committed and surrendered to service,
The Alpha and Omega, beginning and end,
Is alive in us.

We, a people of "sometimes," serve a God of "every time." The God who created all things, who endures infinitely beyond all things, who came to live among us and save us, lives in us today. May our conditionality give way to His unconditionality; our "sometimes" give way to His "every time." Amen.
