Something Is Greatly Troubling Me: Christians in War/Soldiers in Battle


New Member
I think this was touched upon in the catholic forum somewhere briefly. Sigh, it just troubles me that I look at old footage from WWII and see a priest administering last rites to a soldier dying. What about those who didn't get the last rites? What about those who didn't get a final confession and they had killed someone? If we are fighting evil, how does G-d justify us killing another, even in war? Is there the stain of mortal sin on a soldier? I'm very conflicted about it esp. since viewing some actual footage of WWII as well as some films about fighting the SS and the fascists. Is it right to target and kill them/those who terrorize and target innocent and if you do, are you justified before G-d? So, do you say, "sorry, but it was necessary," and then go on to the next? If I were one in any uprising, I'd probably conspire to kill them to preserve the good, but then I wouldn't know if I'd face G-d with clean hands. Evil monarchs, tyrants?

Well, I take delight to see them murdered in films such as "Inglorious Basterds." If I weren't as lucky as the Italian bicyclist or others who conspired with the Pope etc. to pass messages and gain freedom/hiding of people targeted who did no killing, I'd most likely set them up to die. I know, this is so very random and seems violent, but I'm alright. Just wondering. :look:
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"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I 'hear' you JB, this is your heart speaking and I hear you. Even more, God hears you and your prayers are what He will hear for those in war.

War has such damaging effects upon everyone involved. I do believe that soldiers do not kill because they want to, but are called to and are trained to. In war it is either, 'kill or be killed'. In dire situations, what else can they do?

I personally do not approve of war, it is something that I will never be in favor of. However, it's inescapable because of the world of sin that we live in. Jesus said that there will be wars and rumors of wars.

I can say that I have experienced the grace of prayers where intended wars did not occur. Only God can take credit for these answered prayers for it was His grace that allowed it.

As for those who do not receive the 'last rites', there is prayer for many far before they leave for war and even while they are there. All we can do is continue to pray for each soldier, each family member and for the decisions of our leaders and those of other countries, to be compelled to peace and not taking the lives of one another.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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