Have Mercy! look at this chick's hair!!! SOOO PRETTYYYYYYYYYY!!

And look at was some black mab had to go a write, seriously why do we always put ourselves down, is it necessary?


blacktownnation (1 hour ago)
Black women don't grow long hair because we are from the hottest place on Earth!!!!
Some black women grow long hair because of slavery, and thus, having white genes!!!
Yet, 90% of black women will neeeever grow hair down their backs! IT'S GENETIC!
We black men gave you the afro, yet you ran of to join white women; and now white women are running off with black men!!! AMEN?
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I love her hair and videos too.

But for whatever reason, any time she says coconut it makes me shudder, lol. She's really awesome.
Rustic Beauty is my natural mentor. Whenever I feel like quitting being natural, I look at her videos. I am so inspired by her hair.
And look at was some black mab had to go a write, seriously why do we always put ourselves down, is it necessary?


blacktownnation (1 hour ago)
Black women don't grow long hair because we are from the hottest place on Earth!!!!
Some black women grow long hair because of slavery, and thus, having white genes!!!
Yet, 90% of black women will neeeever grow hair down their backs! IT'S GENETIC!
We black men gave you the afro, yet you ran of to join white women; and now white women are running off with black men!!! AMEN?
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Eh? Nothing that person wrote makes sense but whatevs.