Pastors of L.A. Reality Show

This is what bothers me:

What are the 'fallen' so-called pastors the ones always in the limelight and allowed to be given false and mocking representations of our Faith and our Lord?

When do we support the Pastors who when faced with Temptation, did as Joseph... they turned and ran into the arms of God, instead. They yielded not to temptation. They chose to live and to present the true 'Virtues of Jesus Christ'.

All of these 'weak fall outs' exclaiming and proclaiming "I'm just a man"... or "This is my human side" is sinking sand. It literally gives more yield for folks to 'fail' on purpose because after all: "Dietrick fell and now he's back up again.'

Is this the best we have to offer unto Jesus. Men who keep falling. Why is Dietrick hanging out with these other 'Faller Ballers'? Why associate himself with such. Does not the Word say not to? Indeed it does.

Why are we allowing them to teach people that they do not have to 'strengthen' their souls and to 'buffet their flesh' to keep from falling. God's Word is clear -

"Resist the devil and he WILL flee from you..."

I have 'Had It!'. I mean it. I have absolutely 'Had It'! I am fed up to my hairline with these 'fallen crackheads' who think they still belong as leaders in the Church.

Is it any small wonder at all, why we have so many problems in families, marriages, personal finances, and community structure, let alone society? Is it truly any wonder? Where is the backbone to stand straight and to walk the straight and narrow path for the sake of the Gospel? Where is it?

All we see is a bunch of 'fallen misfits' who didn't have the integrity to keep their pants zipped and their buldges in check. Do folks really expect the Believers who are sold out to God, to fall for this mess of madness and sin?

Do folks really think that this is what the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about?

I have news for them. It's not!

There are men and women in this earth by the millions who love God and have NEVER Fallen! They have NEVER yielded to temptation and they have no intention of even thinking in that direction.

I do not want to hear nor see anymore excuses. I do not care about the worn out toilet excuses that 'he was in a weakened state'. Or, 'He fell but has repented and is now back in God's grace'. No they're not. For if they were, they would not be in the pulpit. They would have humbled themselves as unworthy leaders and would have chosen to sit down and to remain seated until Jesus comes.

I'm not having this mess as representative of the Lord and Saviour that I love and serve. I'm not and neither is the Lord.

I have more than enough scripture to back this up.

I'm fed up with the mess. It's time to get rid of the toilets that these failures are standing upon as Altars and put up the True and Pure Altars of the Lord.

Yes!!!! I could not have said this better myself. I did not see the premier of this show, but I am watching the first episode right now. I wanted to know/see for myself the content of the show. I shouldn't have bothered. I knew that I had a bad feeling in my spirit when I saw the commercial. It is HORRIBLE! I am very upset about the character of the men selected for this show.

You know....when are people going to realize that the mainstream media has little to no interest in presenting God's truths? The enemy wants shows like this on the air, so that the people of God can be lumped in with these foolish men and viewed as hypocrites, liars, and/or so others can be fooled into thinking it's okay to live this way as long as you profess Christianity. NO!!! The media wants sensationalism, drama, and lots of smoke and mirrors. Christians who are willingly signing these reality show agreements more often than not, may as well be making a deal with the devil. Did anyone notice how often the camera gave the viewer a good long look at the nice watches, expensive cars, etc?? There's nothing wrong with having nice things or being blessed by God, but that should not be the main focus of a ministry or on a show that is intended to show the role of a pastor in a true light.

I was SO upset about Dietrich saying he got some young woman pregnant while still married and that it's okay because God kept him in the pulpit. NO!!! He needs to sit down and give his heart fully to God. This show is shameful.
Pastors of LA needs TO COME OFF THE AIR!!

Agreed yodie :yep: Totally agreed.

Even more, they need to come off of the Pulpits! Stopped from fleecing God's sheep. To lose all of their stolen goods and then live on Real Faith the way they've been pounding upon the heads of other people who follow them and give all of their money to.
Yes!!!! I could not have said this better myself. I did not see the premier of this show, but I am watching the first episode right now. I wanted to know/see for myself the content of the show. I shouldn't have bothered. I knew that I had a bad feeling in my spirit when I saw the commercial. It is HORRIBLE! I am very upset about the character of the men selected for this show.

You know....when are people going to realize that the mainstream media has little to no interest in presenting God's truths? The enemy wants shows like this on the air, so that the people of God can be lumped in with these foolish men and viewed as hypocrites, liars, and/or so others can be fooled into thinking it's okay to live this way as long as you profess Christianity. NO!!! The media wants sensationalism, drama, and lots of smoke and mirrors. Christians who are willingly signing these reality show agreements more often than not, may as well be making a deal with the devil. Did anyone notice how often the camera gave the viewer a good long look at the nice watches, expensive cars, etc?? There's nothing wrong with having nice things or being blessed by God, but that should not be the main focus of a ministry or on a show that is intended to show the role of a pastor in a true light.

I was SO upset about Dietrich saying he got some young woman pregnant while still married and that it's okay because God kept him in the pulpit. NO!!! He needs to sit down and give his heart fully to God. This show is shameful.

Thank you so much Blackpearl1993...

I have truly had enough of this mess. They are not on the right side of God's Word. And I am so done with it.

This mess with Deitrick being weaken by his wife's adultery.... :nono:

Man... get some iron in your blood. So prayer didn't work for you through this? All that preaching you've done about faith and prayer and you couldn't keep your testosterone faithful to God?

I'm not hearing it!

This is teaching men who look to him to be 'weaker' and worse yet to even 'try' to be a man (or woman) of Virtue.
I am glad that I don't have cable. It is sad that Men of God would put their business out there like that. I am sorry but I am tired of ALL "REALITY" TV SHOWS. If it isn't fictional or based on regular joes non celebrities than I might watch.
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So Noel Jones doesn't pray or study before preaching, he gets a chair massage while holding his dog that he puts on a pink dress and gets a 'stretch' by his 'driver'.....

very possible, a lot of it to get the crowd hyped up on emotions...I wish that Pastors would just speak as the Lord leads and spare us all the theatrics....Noel is known for his command of the english language all that ain't necessary, just tell me what thus says the Lord.


It may be for 'show'... who knows?
This show hurts my soul... Prior to watching the first episode, I really liked Noel Jones. I've heard him speak a few times and it's always been amazing. He has a way with words... very eloquent speaker but, this character he plays on this show... I can't.
I watch the show for the discussion that can come from it in a Godly manner. These are very important topics in our day and age and how will the people of God respond. This show has a lot of foolishness in it but the topic with the white pastor and the transgenedered person was interesting. i was interested in how he would respond. The entire conversation that Deitrick brought up about the Gospel and the entourage was interesting. The people of God need to take a stand and propel change in the church and the community.
we are all human and imperfect.

if this show makes you make some type of "shame", one MAY need to re-evaluate what their perception is of other humans.

yes, pastors are imperfect. they hold no "pass" to heaven. everyone gets to meet God face to face.

Church is about FELLOWSHIP, it is NOT a guarantee to get throught the golden gates.

Read your bibles. But realize, it does NOT stop with your bibles.

Seriously reflect as to why you are feeling this way. Yes, if you are a newbie, this maybe much to take so get with a mentor who can assist you, but everyone is human.

Church is a choice.

You can get filled listening to Metallica the same way you can listening to the Mighty Clouds of Joy.

When people take off the blinders and realize you "choose" to tithe, you choose to go to church, you choose to follow a doctrine. but the minute you think that entitles you to God or makes you better, you get into a dangerous slope of judgement.

and after "Love your neighbour as Christ loves you" is "judge not and be not judged".

Don't judge. it is dangerous. just be the best you you can be. and don't get too caught up in titles.

Be blessed.

I really don't mean any offense, so I hope you don't take any, BUT we're supposed to go to church "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves...". People are always quick to say don't judge, but as a Christian, I'm suppose to point out what's right and what is not right. If you want to label that judging, then fine. After all, aren't we going to judge the world when Jesus returns? I think it's wrong to judge with a haughty attitude, but I don't think it's wrong to clearly point out foolishness (IMO) and at the same time examine myself to see that I'm not doing the same junk, yet still professing to live by the word of God.

Church does allow us to fellowship, but it's where we're to learn the word of God and afterwards take that word and rightly go out and disciple/draw others to Christ.

I dont "choose" to tithe. I'm obedient to God's command to tithe. I "choose" to follow God's word and some of this foolishness does NOT line up with the word. So, if anything I wrote in this post is judging, then I'm guilty of doing so.

People FALL because of our actions. Is it right? Maybe not, but it's true. People fall and walk away from God because they see shows like this and feel like God isn't real, those preachers are all fake, it's a game....Endless excuses.

I'm not saying my next comment applies to you, but I find that those who constantly say don't judge are often the ones that secretly feel condemned about something in their lives OR have areas of their lives that they don't want to change, so 'don't judge' provides them a level of comfort to continue doing whatever they feel like doing. If and when I do wrong, I may not like the correction, but I know that I have to get that thing right OR else God will judge me for me it.

I don't think anything entitles me to God other than the fact that He gave his son for me and invites me to come and fellowship daily with him, the fact that he calls me his own. NOTHING I do on this earth can entitle me to a relationship with the Father other than he freely invites me to have one with him.

So, I judge this show and the behaviors the pastors display as very wrong. I believe that there's so much filth in our world because under the premise of "not judging" so many things have crept in. I haven't watched an episode and don't intend to. I was a member at both Noel Jones and McClendon's church. First hand experience of ALOT of things to know that what they've done and continue to do is not right. They, like all of us, need prayer and repentant hearts.
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yodie, my nephew watched this show one time and shook his head he said it confirms what he's been saying about these greedy no good pastors all along...these men are a stumbling block to the saved and the unsaved

while we all have to stand before the judgment on a individual basis we have to also give an account for persons in our lives how what we said and did affected others, Pastor have and even greater responsibility as the 'shepherd'.

Imo, that excuse of being human and imperfect is a just that an excuse
^^^ Yes, it is our duty and we all share sort of the same responsibility as pastors, but pastors are held to a higher accountability.
Actually he's good little dramatic but definitely learned, what does the bible say about giftings I can't remember if He takes them back.

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Romans 11:29 - For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Although the passage is actually sharing God's free gift of salvation offered to Jews and Gentiles. Meaning that He will not take back his promise of redemption.

I used to think it meant that if The Lord has "called" a person or has given them a gift that He will not take it back. A closer look at the entire passage in plain language makes it clear that this is not the case. I was bamboozled. lol

Besides, I have my doubts that Noel and his pink poodle were ever called in the first place. What a mess. :lachen:
Thanks momi...

I've had my doubts for sometime now, that why I stopped watching him preach years ago.

I have two shih Tzu's, imo men with small dogs just don't look right...I wonder who dresses the bishops dog, she had on a pink dress last night, maybe it's the same person that was steam pressing Noel's clothes, I guess the steam presser would be considered Noel's 'valet'.

Romans 11:29 - For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Although the passage is actually sharing God's free gift of salvation offered to Jews and Gentiles. Meaning that He will not take back his promise of redemption.

I used to think it meant that if The Lord has "called" a person or has given them a gift that He will not take it back. A closer look at the entire passage in plain language makes it clear that this is not the case. I was bamboozled. lol

Besides, I have my doubts that Noel and his pink poodle were ever called in the first place. What a mess. :lachen:
Thanks momi...

I've had my doubts for sometime now, that why I stopped watching him preach years ago.

I have two shih Tzu's, imo men with small dogs just don't look right...I wonder who dresses the bishops dog, she had on a pink dress last night, maybe it's the same person that was steam pressing Noel's clothes, I guess the steam presser would be considered Noel's 'valet'.

Girl if his valet (or whatever he is) dresses his dog?? I just don't know. :nono:

I guess somebody has to dress the dog though huh?

Jer 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
1 Timothy 3:1-15

1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;

5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)

6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

8 Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

9 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.

10 And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.

11 Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.

12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

13 For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Titus 1:1-7

For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Jeremiah 23:1-2
1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.

2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.

OK last one, Timothy 23:14

I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

Gotta love how the Word of God, speaks and "judges" for itself.:yep:
Romans 11:29 -
Besides, I have my doubts that Noel and his pink poodle were ever called in the first place. What a mess. :lachen:

I agree on this, I think the word anointing is very much overused. They were calling each other anointed after blatant disrespect. Really. NO disrespect to anyone but I don't see how a 'Bishop" can sleep with a married woman and have a child with the woman and still call himself anointed and filled with the holy spirit, which by the way, no one is filled 24 hours. The holy spirit comes as needed and that is through prayer. Folks like to compare themselves to the bible characters without looking more closely at their lives. Yeah I am not a fan of the show its a bunch of nonsense. Its scripted, they do not talk normal especially, what is the older pastor name can't remember the one with the gun, he talks at his wife not with her. She appears to not be able to make a decision or conclusion or even a comment without him correcting her in some way or fashion.

TD Jakes have some comments regarding the show. I do not like TD Jakes either,

I think he is just as disrespectful as the other pastor, he should not even comment about it.

THey all make me sick with the money business all of them do that.
Dag, Dietrick is not my friend anymore and I am upset about that I really like him but....... he isn't living right for real.... oh well..... but not taking this video on face value, seems to be twisted to me, but he does create music that is not really consider spiritual.

Still love some of his songs
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I am not trying to sway anyone or be argumentative:giveup: but I just can't with this show. Here's one more reason why...

It just so happened when I got home from work today this 'show' was on. I heard Deitrick argue with some man and say to him that there are no passages in the bible that are opposed to ppl living together prior to marriage. Say what Rev?!:confused: :hand: :hardslap: He said this as his then fiance sat by him giving the man who was telling them they were wrong in their perceptions the stank eye. Wasn't that Christ like?:look: Deitrick and his now wife lived together for two years prior to them getting married earlier this year in July.:angeldevi: I'm glad they went ahead and tied the knot. No, the bible doesn't say thou shalt not shacketh but it is clear about things like adultery, lust, and fornication. Or are we supposed to believe that they slept in separate beds and were celibate after the birth of their daughter for two years while they lived together...:rolleyes: :sleeptogether:
Yeah, we're all human and all fall short but to continue and basically demand you remain in a position of leadership almost defiant like, nah bruh.:nono: God does not bless our mess. David as we all know, was a man after God's very own heart and did PLENTY of dirt. He and Bathsheba probably had a little stank attitude too until God sent Nathan to end alladat. Maybe I'm being pessimistic tho. Maybe at the end of this reality 'show' we'll get to see some true repentance as the camera rolls from these pastors and their families, etc. I'm just not gonna hold my breath.
I am not trying to sway anyone or be argumentative:giveup: but I just can't with this show. Here's one more reason why...

It just so happened when I got home from work today this 'show' was on. I heard Deitrick argue with some man and say to him that there are no passages in the bible that are opposed to ppl living together prior to marriage. Say what Rev?!:confused: :hand: :hardslap: He said this as his then fiance sat by him giving the man who was telling them they were wrong in their perceptions the stank eye. Wasn't that Christ like?:look: Deitrick and his now wife lived together for two years prior to them getting married earlier this year in July.:angeldevi: I'm glad they went ahead and tied the knot. No, the bible doesn't say thou shalt not shacketh but it is clear about things like adultery, lust, and fornication. Or are we supposed to believe that they slept in separate beds and were celibate after the birth of their daughter for two years while they lived together...:rolleyes: :sleeptogether:
Yeah, we're all human and all fall short but to continue and basically demand you remain in a position of leadership almost defiant like, nah bruh.:nono: God does not bless our mess. David as we all know, was a man after God's very own heart and did PLENTY of dirt. He and Bathsheba probably had a little stank attitude too until God sent Nathan to end alladat. Maybe I'm being pessimistic tho. Maybe at the end of this reality 'show' we'll get to see some true repentance as the camera rolls from these pastors and their families, etc. I'm just not gonna hold my breath.

that is not what he was saying at all. HE was saying shacking up. In other words that was an not appropriate term for living together and he and his finance did not live together during that time, she lived with her mother. Bishop was very disrespectful and rude to even think he can go there when talking with Dietrick and every one feels like they can make a comment on his relationship when they all should be minding their own business.