Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2013

Today I went to the gym and did 30 minutes of the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike. I will focus on cardio for the first month and then move up to weights next month. Tomorrow I will wash and steam my hair cause after this week of working out my hair is screaming to be cleansed lol
Finally felt better today, did not exercise but i lift heavy stuff while on my "end of the year cleaning" (yeah flu got me the last week so could not let the bed). I hope I'm done with the house by sunday while fmy body give this virus the last kick, and start my workouts on monday. Still on my fasting window, food will be in two hours from now.

Yesterday i had a co wash and applied MN at night.
May I ask what types of exercises are you doing? And what are you eating? If you're doing cardio mixed with strength training, it's possible that you could be gaining muscle mass. This happened to me during the beginning of my weightloss friend is a personal trainer and he gave me the following advice: "If your goal is to loose weight, you should run. Hit the treadmill for a minimum of 45mins at least 5x's a week and also be sure to keep a close eye on how much protein you're eating since protein builds muscle".
From what point on, I've given up the weights and protein shakes (for now) and I concentrate solely on treadmill running and zumba dancing to slim down....only afterwards will I work on toning up with strength training. So far it's been working :yep:

For the last Week and a half to two weeks I've been doing a Jog/Walk around the block for about 15min in the day. Then on a few nights I'd follow up with Jillian Michaels or Biggest Loser workout during the evening. Both workout videos are Cardio/Strength combos. I hadn't been on a consecutive workout routine in a very long time. So this should be a big change on my body. I've noticed my stomach/waist area seems more slim than before.
My eating; basically Carbs/sugar. I know my eating plan I am about to implement (Belly Fat Cure or BFC) with fix that. My maintainance plan would be the BFC with Veggies and Fruits and a little more Complex carbs implemented. I just need this extra weight off first.
I did 45 minutes of cardio yesterday (30 min elliptical + 15 minutes bike). Did 35 minutes walking around the track plus 30 minutes of full body strength tonight. I think this is a good plan for me:

Monday: 30 minutes cardio, 15+ minutes strength - upper body
Tuesday: 45 minutes cardio
Wednesday: 30 minutes cardio, 15+ minutes abs
Thursday: 45 minutes cardio
Friday: 30 minutes cardio, 15+ minutes strength - lower body
Saturday: off
Sunday: off


I wore my hair down most of the week, enjoying the 1 week post swang. :grin: I'll go back to cowashing and bunning tomorrow.

Good routine I think in a few weeks I might increase to five days a week and be off on the weekend. Maybe strength training two days a week.

Let us know how this works out for ya! I remember when Waist-training was a hot topic on BHM ( I personally didn't keep up with the thread so I never knew what everyone's ending results were. But I'm anxious to see yours b/c it's always something I've wanted to try!!

I am planning to waist train with a squeem. Let me know how your corset works.

I will make sure to keep you guys updated

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Hi ladies!

I think I'm over the altitude issues for the most part so next week I plan to beef up my cardio. I was doing about 30 mins but I'm going to bump it up to 45-60mins 5x a week. I have belly dance on Sat and after this week I may switch it to Mon & Wed so that I can hit up the cardio Kick boxing class Sat instead.

I have to maintain a level of muscular strength so I will continue to do my push-ups sit-ups lunges and squats Mon Wed & Friday.
I am planning to waist train with a squeem. Let me know how your corset works.

dicapr I've been wearing a squeem for about a month. I think I need the next size down now. I see more definition in my waist and I'm down an inch.

As for this challenge, I've been consistent at the gym. This week I haven't been since Monday due to holidays. Yesterday dd was sick so had to stay home. I will probably get back in there on Sunday.

My hair is doing well. I have it in twists bunned up. I've been experimenting with MN as a growth aid. I will wash and dc tomorrow.

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Today I completed week1 day 3 couch 2 5k... I might do abs latter

Before I went to walk/run I put my chicoro prepoo with plastic cap with my head wrap then I came come out my garlic treatment on and proceeded with monthly shampoo regimen

I'm eating vegan this month... I need to go to Whole Food for sweets besides fruit..I need chocolate
Hair Goals

Current Length: NL
2013 Goal Length: Full SL (slow grower)
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: 4B
How you will achieve goal: air drying, roller setting and phony bunning.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 160
Goal Weight: 140-145
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: Back to running condition (cardio, core and leg strength) for summer to run 5K and 10K and maybe half-marathon
Ok - just wanted to get in a little update.

Weight - I finally got batteries for my scale and I weighed-in at 214.8 pounds (a little heavier than I thought I was). I worked out for 20 minutes on Jan 1st - tonight and for the next 3 more days, I will do the same workout. I made an effort to cut my portions but I think I will have to cut our sweets completely in order to get a jump on weight loss.

Hair - Ugggh! I hate to sound so negative so soon into this challenge but my hair is driving my NUTS! Although I've been natural since 2000 I just started trying to properly maintain my hair in June (2012). I was doing ok until I did a henna treatment. It took almost 2 months for my hair to stop feeling like straw. It's still not as soft as it should be and yesterday I washed it and did a length check for this challenge. But once dry, my hair is still leaning toward DRY! I haven't given up, I will continue to try and find a regimen/products that work for me but boy am I tired of this!

Ok enough venting.
Current Length: Dusting SL
2013 Goal Length: Full SL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed
Hair type: 4b
How you will achieve goal: DC's, Protein treatments, Henna, rollerset/rod setting, braid outs, twists (once I figure out how to do a decent one.)

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: I don't weigh myself but I'm sure its too much
Goal Weight: 150
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: To make exercise and clean eating a lifestyle
I guess I could do this. I'm already working on both kind of.

Current Length: Grazing CB
2013 Goal Length: At least grazing APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed on bottom half, natural on top
Hair type: 4b
How you will achieve goal: Box braids, lots of moisture from misting with water/glycerin. My hair hates protein. It loves ceramides, however. I will use these in my DC when I take my braids out to redo them. I'm going to avoid heat. I think I will do a length check once this summer, so I will straighten with heat then, but then back to box braids.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 140... 5 pounds a month would be ideal
Current Dress Size: 8 -10
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: I have been extremely sedentary for the past few years. I need to have more energy. I need to kick my metabolism back into gear if I can to lead a more active lifestyle. I need to get in shape increasing endurance during exercise. I need to get toned too. I want to get down to the weight I was before, but get more toned in my triceps and obliques besides getting some ab definition back. Also, I can't stand my thighs rubbing together.

I don't really know how I'm going to lose the weight, though, and I'm not confident that I can. I do have a two year membership at a gym and I am trying to go twice a week for Zumba. I have Pilates tapes at home that I like to do. I don't eat terrible things, but I'm not sure if I can afford better things or enjoy them.

A major reason my metabolism is probably so shot (besides my recent inactivity) is because I often starve myself unintentionally (response to stress) and then eat a lot. I need clean, balanced nutrition and to take my supplement regularly since I'm iron deficient.
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Im not even going to try to beat around the bush...I totally fell off this challenge. Christmas came, then my sister's birthday, visiting family, baby niece supposed to coming soon...I haven't exercised since Christmas! Getting back on it starting tomorrow, hitting the gym! I have been toying with the idea of doing a juice cleanse.

Hair-> Well, I need to up my regimen, I want to hit WSL early this year. I thinking of using 1 line of products
I would love to join...I really need to do better this year.

Hair Goals

Current Length: Full Shoulder
2013 Goal Length: Grazing or full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 4B
How you will achieve goal: Continue to keep my hair moisturized and stretched when I'm not in braids...My loose hair frightens me :lol:

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 210
Goal Weight: 145-155
Current Dress Size: 16
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal: I would love to join a running club but sadly my knee says no:nono:., so I will do a lot of exercise videos, strength train, and I would like to start taking Yoga classes. I am currently a member of WW but I fell off during the holidays so, gotta get back to trackin'.
@LadyEuphoria007, @londonfog, @D.Lisha-
Okay ladies, today is our first weigh in day. Here's my info:

Todays weight: 169lbs

Exercise Plan: Cardio: 6x Week Abs: 3x Week
Sunday: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening
Mon: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening + Abs
Tue: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening
Wed: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening+Abs
Thur: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening
Fri: 15min Walk/Jog in the Morning/Noon + 20min Workout Video In the Evening+Abs
Saturday: REST

Eating Plan:
The Belly Fat Cure: Basically BFC focuses on the numbers 15 & 6. No more than 15g of sugar a day and no more than 6 servings of carbs a day. One serving of carbs is 5-20 grams of. I've tried this before and got pretty good results.
Eating times: 1pm, 4pm & 7pm

And not to forget....LOTS OF WATER! Around 11-12 cups.
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How can I add the fitness pal ticker to my signature?

Downloaded a couch to 5k app.. RunDouble. It looks pretty cool. I guess I can add this to my Zumba and pilates. I go to centergy once a week, too. That is more for relaxation and stretching, though.
So this weekend was busy. Basketball with my son and went to my friends house for brunch. She cooked some yummy fatty foods. No time to work out. Then today I took my son swimming and now I am going to wash, deep condition, and bun my hair. I have a date tonight. So I Will have yesterday be my one cheat day for the week. I know we are supposed to have one a week or at least one cheat meal. Tomorrow back to the gym and I am so ready.
Today's weight: 178

Exercise regimen:
Mondays- Zumba (hour class)
Tuesdays- Centergy (hour class) and a Winsor Pilates video
Wednesdays- Couch-to-5k
Thusdays- Zumba (hour class) and a Winsor Pilates video
Fridays- Couch-to-5k
Saturdays- Winsor Pilates video
Sundays- Couch-to-5k

I'm drinking 50oz (3 bottles) of water a day right now. I will increase it to 67.6oz (4 bottles) this week and 84.5oz (5 bottles) the next week. That's close to half my weight in water, which is my goal. I will adjust if I lose a little.

I need a meal plan.
May I join? I was kind of doing this anyway...

Hair Goals

Current Length: SL
2013 Goal Length: Full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 4 A/B (i really don't know)
How you will achieve goal: Vitamins, Water, Weekly DC, CoWashing 1-2x a Week, braids or wigging

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 206
Height: 5' 7'
Goal Weight: 150
Current Dress Size: 14-16
Goal Size: 8-10
Fitness Goal: Just want to be healthy and staying away from getting back on high blood pressure pills and treatment.

I know my diet is my biggest downfall. So I am working on avoiding processed and fast foods, and Pepsi (my addiction). I do Zumba, Bokwa and non-contact boxing classes at least 3-5x a week. Trying to push myself to do some calisthenics at home, like while watching TV or after my kids go to bed.

It would be so nice to have a fitness buddy offline to help motivate each other. Everyone I know around me are workaholics.
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Mini-Challenge Check In:
Todays' Weight: (Please See Attached Pic)

Weightloss Plan:
Monday: 15min. Treadmill Run + Zumba Class (1hr)
Alternate Monday Regimen: Outdoor or Indoor Walk/Run for 45min.

Tuesday: 15min. Treadmill Run + Zumba Class (1hr)
Alternate Tuesday Regimen: Outdoor or Indoor walk/Run for 45min.

Wednesday: 15min. Treadmill Run + Zumba Class (1hr)
Alternate Wednesday Regimen: Outdoor or Indoor Walk/Run for 45min.

Thursday: 15min. Treadmill Run + Zumba Class (1hr)
Alternate Thursday Regimen: Outdoor or Indoor walk/Run for 45min.

Friday: 15min. Treadmill Run + Zumba Class (1hr)
Alternate Friday Regimen: Outdoor or Indoor Walk/Run for 45min.

Saturday: (Optional) 25-min. Run Outdoor/Indoor

Sunday: (Optional 25-min. Run Outdoor/Indoor

Meal plan: 1200 Calorie Allowance
-Cutting back on Pork
-NO Soda/Carbonated Drinks
-More protein (Fish, Fish, Fish!!!)
-Incorporate Meal Replacements (Herbalife Shakes)
-NO fast or Fried Foods
-More Fruit



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