have u guys ever done anything this embarassing?!?!

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Awww... Chin up OP!! I think we've all had embarrassing moments in our lives! I've never asked anyone where they got their weave but I've certainly had mishaps with braids! Particularly braids falling out in public places! I normally tried to covertly collect the braid and put it in my pocket! I wasn't always successful! :look: :lachen:

And I could see how you might mistake a darker complected Indian woman for a black woman, and the fact of the matter is that LOTS of weaves are made of Indian hair!

I guess people are different in different areas, because back in my weaving days I know I sure wouldn't have been offended if someone asked me where I got my hair, long as they didn't come off like they were being funny about it. :rolleyes:

I've only jokingly say, "Gurl if you EVA cut that hair, I'm on it." when I'm absolutely sure the hair in question grew from their scalp. Otherwise, the only comment I may make is, the standard, "You have some beautiful hair there Girlie!" If she doesn't care, she'll tell me more about it, if she's sensitive about it, she'll usually just smile (like I'm a wierdo), say thank you and KIM. Most importantly, I try to give off my most disarming attitude because trying to be mean under the guise of being nice is REALLY MEAN *frown*.
Awww... Chin up OP!! I think we've all had embarrassing moments in our lives! I've never asked anyone where they got their weave but I've certainly had mishaps with braids! Particularly braids falling out in public places! I normally tried to covertly collect the braid and put it in my pocket! I wasn't always successful! :look: :lachen:

And I could see how you might mistake a darker complected Indian woman for a black woman, and the fact of the matter is that LOTS of weaves are made of Indian hair!

I guess people are different in different areas, because back in my weaving days I know I sure wouldn't have been offended if someone asked me where I got my hair, long as they didn't come off like they were being funny about it. :rolleyes:

:lachen: Honestly! It's 2010 .. time to keep it real people you're not fooling anyone smh :lol:
I was at woodmans and i saw this black girl with BEAUTIFUL long silky hair:lick:. OBVIOUSLY it was weave so i asked her where she bought it from and when she turned around she was indian!! it was hers!! i told her i was very sorry but she still gave an icy stare and a cold smile. i can usually tell the difference between indian dark skin and black ppls dark skin so idk what was going on there but if my mama didnt drag me out of the store i would have fooled around and asked her if she shaves her head and if she did could i have first dibs on the tracks!!

PS. im apart of a website that gives you up to 70% off of name brand clothing but its invitation only and i got one because i like to thnk i'm fabulous so if you want an invite just give me your email adress in your post. they have sales everyday at 12pm and last for 36 hours but its first come first serve so u gotta be quick :yawn:

OP to answer your first question no. @ the bolded am sorry :lachen:,:lachen:,:lachen:.

It may be one thing to ask someone in private if they are wearing a weave...but to ask them in a store...in public...in front of other people?? I would think that person was attempting to embarrass me.. if I wanted someone to know I was wearing a weave, I would keep the price tag on it so folks don't need to ask.

Someone mentioned on this thread that it's the way you ask...I agree..asking someone in front of people if they are wearing a weave isn't good manners. Maybe the woman gave her a cold stare because it was the way she asked the question and where she asked the question. Women can tell when someone isn't being genuine.
^^^^^Sorry Bri :nono: but I'm rolling with yvone123 on this .
OH mY, I just had a thought! Suppose she was upset that you mistook her for an AA gal? I've heard that darker skinned people from other cultures (Spanish and Indian) are really made to feel bad about being darker.

I'm off topic. I can relate to Sianna's post, I was once on a blind date. He was good looking, but I was in a funk that day and so when my extnsion came out, I just sat there and put it back in. LOL Yeah I was off that day.
Oh my! OP!
Well, one day when you travel outside of Madison, you will notice that not everyone is the same..you can't treat everyone the same..can't assume everyone thinks like you and would be ok with your approach. And of course as you found out...not everyone IN.MADISON.ARE. COOL. lol! Or shall I say, willing to go along with your annoying dribble..

And as far as your "blend ur hair better" comment, I'm assuming your speaking of weaves? I've never worn a weave.

You mentioned that you were in a store...generally where there are folks standing around buying merchandise and looking around. It's your implication that people were around to hear your conversation by mentioning where you were when you asked your question.
See, that's why I use yaki perm hair. Nothing too silky. Y'all can keep that Indian remy:lachen:

OP, I don't think you were being malicious.
:lachen: Honestly! It's 2010 .. time to keep it real people you're not fooling anyone smh :lol:

EDIT: I just got it!! I'd misunderstood this comment at first! I'm slow like that!

Please disregard previous post... if you saw it! :blush3:
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:lachen: Honestly! It's 2010 .. time to keep it real people you're not fooling anyone smh :lol:

they really arent!! i feel like if your confident about your hair underneath u shouldnt be offended. if someone asked me id tell them what brand, how many inches, where i got it from, and if it was on sale or not!!
they really arent!! i feel like if your confident about your hair underneath u shouldnt be offended. if someone asked me id tell them what brand, how many inches, where i got it from, and if it was on sale or not!!

I guess I never took my weaves that seriously. I mean even though I wanted it to look nice, I wasn't overly concerned that everyone should think it was my real hair. Most people didn't question it anyway cause I wore it around SL. Plus it was usually Yakki textured anyway! :lachen:
Hmmm, I might be old school but I was always taught questions like that just weren't polite. Still, a little too much fire in this thread Op admitted she made a mistake and is trying to keep it lighthearted and funny, might as well roll with it.

To answer the question I have no embarrassing hair stories, I have embarrassing church stories.:blush:
Awww... Chin up OP!! I think we've all had embarrassing moments in our lives! I've never asked anyone where they got their weave but I've certainly had mishaps with braids! Particularly braids falling out in public places! I normally tried to covertly collect the braid and put it in my pocket! I wasn't always successful! :look: :lachen:

And I could see how you might mistake a darker complected Indian woman for a black woman, and the fact of the matter is that LOTS of weaves are made of Indian hair!

I guess people are different in different areas, because back in my weaving days I know I sure wouldn't have been offended if someone asked me where I got my hair, long as they didn't come off like they were being funny about it. :rolleyes:


Omg, me too!!!
The worst was when I was at swimming practice in high school. We had a water break, and I took off my swimming cap because it was squishing my ears. But when I took it off, a braid came falling out along with it. I grabbed it up with quickness and shoved it into the front of my bathing suit, but my coach saw and started laughing. Damn, that was embarrassing. :nono:

But not as embarrassing as mistaking an Indian lady for a black lady and asking her where she got her weave from. LMAO OP!!! :lachen: :lachen:
OH mY, I just had a thought! Suppose she was upset that you mistook her for an AA gal? I've heard that darker skinned people from other cultures (Spanish and Indian) are really made to feel bad about being darker.

I'm off topic. I can relate to Sianna's post, I was once on a blind date. He was good looking, but I was in a funk that day and so when my extnsion came out, I just sat there and put it back in. LOL Yeah I was off that day.

This is what I'm thinking. Being Black is really looked down upon in this society and many Indians really look down on Blacks. I think perhaps she was more upset that she was mistaken for Black. I remember as as young teen, a little white girl told me and an Indian girl that we had the same skin color (we really did). Even though the Indian girl really was the same skin color as me she got mad and told the girl that her skin was brown and mine was black. She told the white girl the she was born white but turned brown and that her brothers and sisters were white, lol! I remember the Indian girl exclaiming "No!" as soon as the white girl observed that we were the same color. She was obviously very upset. Even though our skin was the same color simply having her skin color compared to mine was enough to set her off.

Don't feel bad L.Brown. Embarrassing situations happen to us all. Just look at it as a learning experience. :yep:
LOL Me too!!! It was the first time I got micros done and I was at the pool (no swimming cap, yell at me later, lol) and I went down a slide and when I popped up out the water, one of my braids was floating right next to me!!! I was soooo embarassed!
How many of you have called your self running your fingers through your new micros only to come up with a braid or two? And LORD send a crack in the floor big enough to swaller me up if I was in a club or at a party. LOL
How many of you have called your self running your fingers through your new micros only to come up with a braid or two? And LORD send a crack in the floor big enough to swaller me up if I was in a club or at a party. LOL


Angie could you explain what the photo in your sig means?
Oh my! OP!
Well, one day when you travel outside of Madison, you will notice that not everyone is the same..you can't treat everyone the same..can't assume everyone thinks like you and would be ok with your approach. And of course as you found out...not everyone IN.MADISON.ARE. COOL. lol! Or shall I say, willing to go along with your annoying dribble..

And as far as your "blend ur hair better" comment, I'm assuming your speaking of weaves? I've never worn a weave.

You mentioned that you were in a store...generally where there are folks standing around buying merchandise and looking around. It's your implication that people were around to hear your conversation by mentioning where you were when you asked your question.

GIRL BYE! this better be your last post in this thread too cuz im gettin sick of you. you said ur 2 cents now bounce. if u got something else to say to me ill message you my phone number so i can really give u an ear full

Angie could you explain what the photo in your sig means?[/QUOTE]

Oh that's the cast from "Square Pegs" an 80's sit com. and right in front there is the original Sara Jessica Parker. There was an espisode called "WEEMAWEEGATE"
LOL loved that show
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