Why waist length/butt length?

My fiance's little sister has natural 4a waistlentgh hair. It's nice on her. She usually wear it in a ponytail since she's 17- She wears her hair out only for special occasions. She has never use heat in her hair since the day she was born so I know that Black woman can grow long natural hair with shrinkage or not. It's not a myth
I have never been told by anyone that black woman couldn't grow long hair in my family. (I undrstand why people think so though you really see a black woman with hair past her shoulders) I have always had not long but meduim length hair (a little past my shoulders) I don't really want waist lenght mabe in between waist and bra-strap. That is were my hair was before a spitful 5 inche hair cut and a couple inches off from damaged ends. I am just trying to grow it back, I am not trying to prove anything to anyone. People already think my hair is long anyways.
My mom used to chop my hair off all the time when I was younger. Then, I went through my 'let's see what else I can do with my hair' stage and kept breaking my hair off because I didn't know how to take care of it while experimenting. Now, I still have one more 'let's see what else I can do with it' goal and that is to see how long my natural hair can get. The good thing is that now I also know how to take better care of my hair.
i'm natural and i want it long and strong. see the 1st pic in my album, thats what i would do to my hair. along with crazy updos tyra banks had a cute one in movie living dolls. I would do bomb twistouts. and of course the super duper fro
I think salons do charge extra but I have retired from salons.
I would wash in sections condition airdry sections then braid and wear a powerful braid out. I think my signature style woud be a bun though wash slick back bun and go.
I was bald when i was 9 years old so i have the I want as much as i can get (within reason). I also have the show them black women can do it too attitude. Thats why i want to grow it long and strong.